Beauty from Ashes


Beauty from Ashes is a memoir of my personal story of transformation. I am still on my journey to become the fully alive person God intended me to be! My life has been a rollercoaster ride of positive and negative encounters with family members,…

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Beauty from Ashes is a memoir of my personal story of transformation. I am still on my journey to become the fully alive person God intended me to be! My life has been a rollercoaster ride of positive and negative encounters with family members, step-children, friends, students, bosses, and strangers.

I always had a choice of how to respond. One only gets hurt emotionally if one owns the hurt. The lesson I learned is from St. Paul to the Corinthians. 1 Corinthians: 3:21. Paul remarks that he will be judged by no man nor by any court. Only the Lord judges him! My Lord is a God of forgiveness and unconditional love. She/He knows our human hearts. Despite any hurricane blowing on the surface of my ocean; I am always at peace in Christ. St. Paul meant that even though we sin and/or achieve great accomplishments, neither are our identity. WE are loved by God because we are his children. WE are not our sin or our good works.

Charline Payne