

Manufacturer Name: BookLogix
Condition: New
Author: Mark Anthony Peterson
Binding: Perfect Paperback
ISBN: 9781610051279

“Guerrillapreneur” is the name given by the author to enterprising, cash, and environment- conserving small business executives who are dedicated to defeating corporate Goliaths.

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“Guerrillapreneur” is a combination of the words “Guerrilla” and “Entrepreneur,” and it is the name given by the author to enterprising, cash, and environment-conserving small business executives who are dedicated to defeating corporate Goliaths. David used a slingshot and pouch of rocks to defeat Goliath. The author profiles past “Davids” like Wal-Mart, Apple, and Turner Enterprises, and derives from their garage-to-Goliath transformations the ultimate small business “slingshot” strategy and “marketfighting” tactics. Guerrillapreneur is a MUST READ for every entrepreneur!

1 Samuel 17 of the King James Bible details the battle between David, an undersized Israeli teenager, and Goliath, a nine foot tall Philistine warrior. As the Israeli and Philistine armies prepared for war in nearby camps, Goliath taunted the Israeli army and challenged any man brave enough to head-to-head battle. David, armed with slingshot and a pouch of rocks, accepted Goliath’s challenge. As Goliath charged with spear in hand, David released a rock from the slingshot and struck the giant in the forehead knocking him down. David took Goliath’s sword and removed the Philistine’s head. The sight of David holding Goliath’s decapitated head sent the Philistine army into retreat. The moral of the story: small players with good strategies can defeat even the biggest giant.

Additional information

Weight 0.75 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × .432 in


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