When Giants Reigned


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      When Giants Reigned tells the story of how the Rephaim (giants of the Bible) war with Egypt affected three civilizations in the Mediterranean.
The war was the reason the Rephaim built the defensive fortress of Baalbek. The war resulted in the Rephaim fleeing and sailing to the New World. Plato’s Timaeus and Critias described the powerfull coalition of Atlantis and its allies versus Egypt and its allies, and matched the historical war between Sea Peoples and Egypt.
This book is not fiction—the story was built from Egyptian records, biblical writings, ancient and modern historians, and corroborated by overlooked details in the Greek myths.

“The Greek epics about Troy and Atlantis recalled actual history,
however distorted by the fog of time.”

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × .46 in



Frederick Wernz



Page Count