Words to Read By


During my time as a roving reporter for The Dahlonega Nugget, I’ve written a lot of columns about a lot of things.And I’ve been told by many people that these columns are quite funny.

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Welcome to the BookLogix BookStore listing for my book! Since I’ve never written one of these before actually I’m a little shocked you’re here. Um, I mean not that you shouldn’t be here. Really, this is a good book. See, during my time as a roving reporter for The Dahlonega Nugget, I’ve written a lot of columns about a lot of things. And I’ve been told by many people that these columns are quite funny. Several of these people are not even related to me. This book, “Words to Read By,” contains the very best of those columns. We’re talking about witty literary adventures that feature anything from spray tans to sky diving to my scruffy dog Scamper. Not all of the topics begin with ‘s’ either. That was just a coincidence. In fact, the entire alphabet is utilized in “Words to Read By.” That’s just one of the great things about this book. So, dear reader, I hope I’ve convinced you to read the words in “Words to Read By.” If you do, I think you’ll like it. And I think you’ll agree, it’s the best book I’ve ever written.