Miller Townson’s Windows in Time Chronicle – Books I & II


Get both books in Miller Townson’s Windows in Time Chronicle for a low price – AROUND THE NEXT BEND and AIM AT THE HEART.

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Get both books in Miller Townson’s Windows in Time Chronicle for a low price – AROUND THE NEXT BEND and AIM AT THE HEART.

Book I – Around the Next Bend

Miller Townson fervently hopes to escape his ancestors’ fate. The last six generations of men in his family all had to fight – from the Revolutionary War through his father’s participation in World War II and the Korean War. Miller loves to read about wars, but he has no desire to participate in one. But, after meeting President Nixon at a massive peace rally in Washington D.C., Miller has to fight in Vietnam. Thankful that he survived his year there with nothing more than a wound in his (rear) cheek, and grateful that he upheld the family honor, Miller is transferred to the West-German/Czechoslovakian border to participate in the Cold War where he meets and marries the lovely librarian, Denise. He starts reading ancestors’ letters his father has been collecting from relatives over the last forty years. “Around The Next Bend” is an adventure and historical fiction novel about a man who grew up all over the world, but as an adult, seeks to find his roots in his Georgia ancestry. He learns that one of his ancestors worked for “Rich Joe” Vann, the wealthiest Cherokee in Georgia, and met President Monroe when the fifth President visited Chatsworth, Vann’s North Georgia home. Another ancestor, a Confederate lieutenant, wrote vividly about meeting an attractive young woman on his way down to fight in Pensacola. Later, he recounts his experiences at the Battle of Laurel Hill, West Virginia.
Miller’s desire to complete his army obligation without further incident is shattered when bullets fly toward him on the Czech border and his boss develops a dangerous attraction for his bride.

Book II – Aim at the Heart

Miller Townson has left behind would-be killers in Vietnam and Germany who, fortunately, missed. Having moved with his wife back to the States, he attends graduate school at the University of Texas.He continues to read ancestor letters and gets fascinated by William Martin who worked for the richest Cherokee Indian in Georgia. Miller learns about gold “tracers,” Cherokee war women, and a deadly Indian game called anetsa. He meets Dexter, a white man who mints coins from gold dust and calls himself Running Bear, Brigadier General of the Philadelphia Society of Red Men. Dexter wants to meet “a real Indian,” not “Rich Joe” Vann to whom William introduces him.  In graduate school, Miller plays too much tennis, writes no articles in his field, and can’t find a job teaching. His wife, Denise, divorces him, but moves no farther than the guest room because they remain friends. When Miller gets engaged, his fiancée, Elizabeth, joins him in the master bedroom. The three of them live amiably together until he accepts a business job in another city.  The work makes him miserable, but he doesn’t worry about being shot at until his “little brother” is killed in a road rage incident. Miller learns that a stripper’s jealous boyfriend may have shot his friend. Miller refreshes his shooting skills and drives up to Austin. Yorby, his blue oracle owl, remains silent, giving him no clue about what is about to happen. AROUND THE NEXT BEND took Miller through his army years. AIM AT THE HEART follows him through his working years which are far too violent, but he sure does enjoy the sexual revolution.

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