Value-Based Medicare Reimbursement for Hospitals: Provider’s Gde


Manufacturer Name: No Manufacturer

The “Provider’s Guide to Value-Based Medicare Reimbursement for Hospitals” is organized into chapters of related programs and initiatives most pertinent to inpatient hospital reimbursement. Each chapter is tailored to meet the unique time…

SKU: 5847 Category:


Manufacturer Name: No Manufacturer

The "Provider’s Guide to Value-Based Medicare Reimbursement for Hospitals" is organized into chapters of related programs and initiatives most 
pertinent to inpatient hospital reimbursement.

Each chapter is tailored to meet the unique time constraints and informational needs of healthcare providers and professionals.

The Provider’s Guide is presented in a condensed straightforward, bullet-pointed and easily understood manner. It is not a recitation of the
thousands of pages of Federal Regulations, however the information is highly referenced and footnoted to source documents for accuracy

Complete coverage of each Medicare value-based program is provided, to include: the legislative and regulatory history, current metrics and
processes, and incentives and penalties. In addition, links to supporting graphs and tables are provided for each chapter, which are ideally suited
for use in educational presentations.

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Weight 2 lbs


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